Thanks for your interest in metal art!
If you are looking for something unique, you have come to the right place. Take a look around the site. Whether you call it metal sculpture, metal art, garden sculpture, nautical art, or yard art… these are my ideas in metal! Visit the metal gallery to see some of the works available now.

I create handmade pieces that represent the world around me. Since I have lived in Charleston, South Carolina most of my life, you will find all forms of Lowcountry wildlife in my art. It could be something I saw in the water or at the beach - a shrimp, a crab, sometimes even some foreign inspiration hits and a seahorse develops. It may be one of the many birds and, of course, fish I see while out in the river fishing. It could even be a representation of the lizards that like to watch me work in my shop. The inspiration for a sculpture could come from anywhere!
The designs develop organically based on the materials that present themselves to me. It could be steel, copper, wire, brass or bronze. I rarely work with new materials. Whether its pieces of the “Old” Cooper River Bridges, objects reclaimed from old buildings, or items found while exploring with my dogs, I like the challenge of making something out of items others may see as junk.
It may be kinetic or stationary metal art. My idea is that most work is meant to move. Although, as you will see, some sculpture needs a base. Then, there are ideas that simply don't lend themselves to spinning - lizards don't like that!
I thrive on the process, the thinking and randomness within the process that goes into making things. My work involves ideas that we are all familiar with but also sparks our imaginations in other directions. Although one idea may influence the other, nothing is ever the same. It is important to me to have a cohesive body of work, while keeping each piece as unique as possible.